Did Fido gain a few?

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Here’s some tips to help him slim back down.

Holiday weight? Quarantine pounds? Whatever the reason, it happens to the best of us sometimes. Luckily there is some simple & easy solutions to help your pet get back to his/her best self.

Diet: There are lots of weight management diets on the market, and that could be a great place to start. It’s important to look over the ingredient panel and make sure it’s a quality brand. Another option is to switch to a food that is lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein. Just like us, sometimes our pets benefit more from a keto-style diet, rather than just low calorie.

Another great option is a home-cooked or raw diet instead of kibble. Whether it is grain-free or not, kibble needs a surplus of carbohydrates to bind the food into little nuggets. While commercial diets are balanced, sometimes they add unnecessary and fattening ingredients to keep the cost down.

Toppers: Is home-cooking not a realistic option for you? Don’t worry, toppers are a convenient and nutritious solution. Try replacing a small portion of your dogs food with fiber filled foods like green beans, or any veggie your pet loves. The extra fiber will keep your dog feeling full and satisfied, while adding little to no calories in return. You can also do this with fresh, and lean meats to boost protein in a diet-friendly way. Brands like Honest Kitchen or Sojo’s make convenient freeze dried meals that you can rehydrate and use as a partial meal replacement as well.

Treats: Treats can be a major culprit your pet’s weight gain. Sometimes we don’t even realize how many treats a day our pet receives, especially when you live in a house full of people. There is a great solution to this! Many brands offer mini training treats that are as low as 1 calorie a piece. Try filling your treat jars with these instead, that way you can give as many rewards as you like, and it won’t affect your pet’s weight in the least bit. Some dogs really enjoy frozen green beans, apple slices, baby carrots, or many other veggie options as a treat as well.

Exercise: While daily walks are vital for the health and happiness of your dog, sometimes they need a little extra exercise to shed those extra pounds. Try taking your dog to dog parks on the weekends so they can run around and play with other pooches. A ball-throwing device like a Chuck-it can throw your pet’s favorite toy a lot further than your hand! Whoever said exercise can’t be fun? It’s a win-win for everyone!


Choosing the right pet food